What is the definition of fundraise?

Fundraising is the way most nonprofits generate revenue. When you are a fundraiser for a nonprofit, most likely your title is not “fundraiser” (perhaps that is too gauche for the sensitive palates of many of us who raise money for a living). 

Additionally, you won’t find many nonprofits who admit to having a “fundraising” department, instead you will find plenty of other terms to describe a fundraiser or team of fundraisers, they include:

  • Advancement
  • Development
  • Resource Development
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Philanthropy
  • Mission Fulfillment
  • Mission Advancement
  • Impact 

Why do organizations not explicitly state that an “Advancement” department is just the fundraising team? Our society sees fundraising as a dirty word because many nonprofits have been found to engage in problematic fundraising practices, none of which we support.

Fundraising practices we do not support:

  • Direct mail programs that include “premiums” aka physical objects that are given in conjunction with an ask (this can be a coin, a blanket, a necklace, etc). These fundraising practices are not only incredibly wasteful, but they put irresponsible pressure on those who receive these items. These programs also tend to target the elderly and/or homebound.
  • The purchase or use of lists that target the vulnerable: This can include the elderly, veterans, and those who are physically and mentally unwell and/or homebound
  • Engaging any fundraisers who work for a percentage of what they raise - it leads to unsavory fundraising practices
  • Taking advantage of client stories by exaggerating or straight making them up

While the definition of fundraising has evolved over time, going from a phone bank of volunteers to a small group gathered around a computer doing their best at content creation in Canva, all fundraising professionals should focus on raising money using the truth, and not taking advantage of any group in order to raise money. 

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