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Hard Conversations: Foundations

Hard Conversations: Foundations

Regular price $0.00 USD
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Difficult asks demystified.

Get the language to communicate confidently and get the buy-in you need.

If you're scared to move a deadline (but more scared of missing it), can't speak the words "budget modification" above a whisper, or get dizzy at the thought of a no-cost extension, this tool is for you.

Hard Conversations: Foundations walks you through six difficult requests you may need to make of a foundation, with explanations, examples, and tips to get the answers you need most while strengthening your funder relationships. Not so scary after all!

What You’ll Get

A thorough guide to the most common ways that grant stewardship can start to go wrong and exactly what to say to your funders if it does.

What You’ll Learn

  • When, why, and how to ask your institutional funders for help
  • How to respond to common grant challenges
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Your download includes:

  • Written Explainer

    A PDF document that describes how to use the tool, why the tool is fundamental to success, and tips and best practices

  • Explainer Video

    Each product contains an Explainer video, each at 15 minutes or less, that provides training for the product

  • Tool or Template

    Each tool or template is flexible and compatible with both the Google and Microsoft suite

  • Analysis Tool

    Each tool includes a Word document with a specific section with prompts for each tool